Tom Carter Benefit Wrap-up

Yes folks we can call both the Tom Carter Benefit shows last weekend in Houston a huge success. Together, we brought in a total $1,135 for Tom Carter!!!  Thank you all.

Our goal for Friday was $1,000 and we brought in $1,002!!!!  Three hundred of that was from a generous donation from Rudyard’s.  So, I want to thank all of you who made it out to the show, gave a donation, bought merch, and bought beers for Tom.  Every bit helped and given all the big shows happening that same night, we really appreciate your showing up.

A big thank you to John Cramer (Project Grimm/The Mike Gunn) and Sandy Ewen (Weird Weeds) for helping organize this – it was no easy task.  Also thanks to the great folks at Rudz who once again showed us what kind and generous folks they really are.  Thanks also to Project Grimm, Dead Mineral, and Hearts of Animals who selflessly volunteered to perform for free. Finally, I want to thank local media types  from the Houston Press, Space City Rock, and Houston Calling for helping spread the word.

Last but not least, I want to thank Jonathan Jindra of Binarium who put on the sister show on Saturday at The Railyard which brought in an extra $133 bucks for Tom. He did a great job!

Here are some pics from Friday night that I took on my Iphone, the highlight of which was seeing Project Grimm’s kids dance to the band!


One Comment

  1. that was a fun night. everyone rocked. and those kids were super fucking cute, man!