Catching up on LP reviews from around the world.

Sorry we’ve been slacking on the Blog here but we’ve been getting good feedback in the last few weeks or whatnot since our last post. Here they are:

  • Phil McMullen of England’s Ptolemaic Terrascope penned a lovely review (Link)
  • DJ Astro of Finland’s The Psychotropic Zone Psychedelic Music Club was just as gracious (Link)
  • Mats Gustafson of Sweden’s Broken Face chimes in on Jan 08 with a sweet review. (Link)
  • Fred Mills at Harp magazine wrote some nice things (Link)
  • Jerry Kranitz at Aural Innovations also was very kind. (Link)
  • The Rice Radio Folio (KTRU) Dropped us in their top local albums (Link PDF)
  • Andrew Nicolaou at Southern puts the album in his top 30. (Link)

  • I can’t read Poland’s Tableau! but I do understand “Stoner-Fuck-Rock” (link)
  • Greece’s Electric Requiem wrote up a review but we honestly can’t read a lick of Greek. I guessing it’s favorable if only because we have a lot of very nice fans from Greece who we like very much. (Link)
  • Additonally Space City Rock did a nice review of the LP4 itself. (Link)


  1. uhm. that guy from tableau was me. that was a list of my favourite music from the last year. sorry about the swear word, but i really struggled to find any colourful description.

    i love your new LP and wish you more albums of that quality. cheers!

  2. oh, and one more thing. i have a podcast featuring some independent music. it is not wildly popular, but that’s the whole quality of it. i would like to ask if you agree for me to feature one of your songs in future podcasts (it would be my favorite ‘she bad she thowed’)

  3. Ramon Medina - LP4

    Hey Marecki,

    Thanks, no need to apologize on the swear words – I thought it was actually kind of funny usage especially given the fact that these were the only words I could understand. [Apologies by the way for my ignorance on your language.] Plus, given one of the tracks we just made available for download on myspace has gratuitous usage of the word “motherfucker,” our sensibilities are not, shall we say, delicate. 😉

    Oh and yes, you are perfectly welcome to use our stuff on your podcasts. We firmly believe in the idea of “fair use” into which, in my opinion, podcasts fall.

    Thanks again
