Stoked!!!!!!! LP4 with MV & EE and Wols

Wooooo! I am stoked about our newest and only confirmed show (the previously mentioned Artstorm show has been pushed back to some as yet undetermined date in 2009). We are playing with MV & EE (Matt Valentine and Erika Elder) whose work I just love to death be it with the Golden Road or as a duo! That’s pretty cool and awesome in and of itself but we’re also playing with Wols (Amye McCarthur) which is just an amazing stroke of good fortune as she also is someone I admire greatly. I’m so stoked that I’m asking local artist Eli Sebastian Brumbaugh to do the poster artwork and looks like he might be able to swing one. YUSSS! So, mark your calendars:

MV & EE, Linus Pauling Quartet, and Wols

Saturday 31 January 2009
at Rudyard’s British Pub