First review for the new 7" is in….

Well it looks like the new single got some love over at Space City Rock. Jeremy Hart wrote:

…First off, the Quartet’s track, “Monster,” eschews the band’s trademark thundering guitar attack (at least at first) in favor of a hypnotic, raga-sounding drone that brings to mind the Beatles’ “Tomorrow Never Knows,” of all things; definitely not what I was expecting, given the band’s general leanings…

The sitar-esque guitars, the repetitive riffs, the flat, Donovan-sounding vocals — put it all together, and you could be forgiven for thinking you’d slapped on the wrong damn record. But hey, they make it work surprisingly well…

The track comes off like Nick Cave doing some kind of half-sarcastic take on raw garage rock, and it’s frighteningly addictive.

You can read the full review at Space City Rock

Thanks Jeremy. We’re glad you liked it.