Bag Of Hammers Album Update & Record Release Show Announcement

Well folks as promised news will be starting to roll now.  The first thing we should mention is that the album is nearing completion.  Steve is going to be laying down some bass tracks and then we move to mixing and mastering.  One sad piece of news is that the album will not be on double LP as we had planned as the longer length of the CD format allows us to not have to compromise on what material we choose.  Yes, if the last two releases seemed short by modern standards, this one is going to likely fill up an entire CD.  It’s also going to be as shit stoner rock!  With the exception of one song, this is just going to be an endless pummeling so we hope you are ready for it.

We are sitting down over drinks with local artist Shelby Hohl next week to discuss the cover for the album.  Yeah, it’s gonna be awesome!!!!   Here is the idea we submitted to him:

The idea is this bloody hill of skulls (or maybe bloody bodies) with this sword and sorcery style woman warrior (think maybe D&D, Boris, or Frazetta)  dragging this monstrous and bloody axe behind her in fatigued defiance and she trudges up the hill of defeated enemies to complete some unexplained quest, her face obscured by a flurry of blond hair and her slender figure bruised and bloody from the battle.

Also, we have set a date for the record release – December 03, 2011 at our home base Rudyard’s.  The line up is TBA but it will be a hella lot of fun.  We also plan on doing a show before then.  We’ve been in the studio too long and it’s just time to get out.