Seven things about the Jucifer show this last Sunday

The wall of amps behind our stuff – that’s Jucifer’s

Well here it is Thursday and I’ve only just finished recovering from Sunday’s Jucifer show at Super Happy Funland.  Damn, it was loud!  Here (including our readings for just how loud Jucifer can be) are seven things I learned this Sunday…

1) Don’t buy a blue can of compressed air and keep it next to a can of WD40. This has actually nothing to do with the show  but it’s something I learned that day while working on another LP4 project.

2) It’s worth $200 to get a high-end custom Ukulele. Olivia at SHFL is a well known Yuke aficionado and  when we arrived, I heard her playing her Yuke.  It sounded great so I asked if I could play with it and she said sure.  But this wasn’t your standard cheap-ass Yuke.  No, this was a custom one that she paid real bucks for and it was pretty awesome; the neck felt great and the tone was wonderful.

3) People still use the word “Hippies.” When Larry and I pulled up to SHFL some random car driving by slowed down and yelled, “Cut your hair, ya fuckin’ hippies!”  That made my evening.

4) Even pushing 50 or so Don Walsh is still Don Walsh. I don’t think I really learned anything new here but he was in fine weirdsies form that night.

5) Industrial fog machines are worth the money. We upped to a proper fog machine (we’d been using a Halloween one) and man that thing is insane!

6) Omotai kick ass.  Again, nothing new here.  They play some heavy proggy screamy metal that I love and I just wanted to say that they killed it on Sunday.

7) Jucifer’s Volume levels will indeed damage your ears. We were running Db meters to see what that wall of amps was pushing and here is what we discovered about Jucifer’s volume. 

Low end: 98Dbs
Highest Peaks: 111 Dbs
Average: 105 Dbs.

That basically like working in a very very loud factory.  From what I could make of the OSHA reports I found on-line, the length of their set (45 minutes) is about the maximum time of exposure you would ever want to have to these kinds of levels and even then you would be doing damage to your ears.


  1. so you guys played too softly then…

  2. Well, relatively speaking, yes.