Rocking with the Churchbus…

Wow, that was a really fun fun show! Churchbus and Hotel Brotherhood really put on a great show last night. I have to admit to some confusion as to where each band began and ended as two members were in both bands. But both bands rocked, not in any flashy look-at-me way, but simply with the same kind of exuberance you’d get from someone who was glad you made it their party. In fact the show was so much fun that when they ended at a bit after 2 am I thought it was still 1:30 or 1:45; crap and me still buzzed and in need of a good 10-15 minute stroll just to dry up a bit. Luckily I made it home via a less busy route safely – curse good rock shows!


More photos (inexplicably in reverse order) at Flicker:

One Comment

  1. Thanks again for posting Ramon. It was great to see you.