That relaxed look from Steve is the look of good beer and a good rehearsal. Tuesday was our first “serious” rehearsal for SXSW and, surprisingly, it went pretty darn well. Normally, when we shift from recording or songwriting to focus on live shows, we tend to be a little rusty and sound like… well… um… crap. Of course after one or two rehearsals, we’re back to playing the songs like they should be played but there is just a mental shift from say jamming for 20 minutes on a Krautrock riff to playing a set of songs that just takes us some time to adapt to. Yet, this time, we jumped right into the set all kicking ass and taking names. This despite Clinton being all drunky bummed. The poor sod had a bad day on Alien Arena (I believe the words he used was that he had his ass handed to him) and the most we could do to console him was to provide him with Shiner and Hoegaarden to drown his sorrows.
As for the upcoming SXSW show itself, we’re discussing things with the stage manager for the Parish Underground and she’s been nothing but nice and helpful (kudos and appreciation out to her!!). The big issue right now is the whole lights, fog, and films thing. We may have to forego the video and fog this time around so as to be good guests to our hosts but hopefully we can still accommodate the lights. We’ll let ya know once we find out.
Also, here is the current set-list:
Thanks to everyone for sending us your suggestions. If that’s a little hard to read, here it is:
Assault on the Vault of the Ancient Bonglords
Waiting for the Axe to Fall
She Did Not Know (D)
Crom (D)
The Road
You’ll note that we have a new song we’ll debut (The Road) and that the ever awesome Mlee Marie (Hearts of Animals) will be guesting on Rust. We’re particularly stoked about Mlee being able to travel up to play with us.
Anyhow, that’s all the news for this week. See you guys in a few weeks.