SXSW 2013 Countdown – T-minus 2 weeks


Jeez it’s only two weeks until our spaceship touches down at SXSW!!!  Wild, huh? 

We tried to contact Ralph McQuarrie to do some concept art but the dude died almost one year ago.   I shit you not!  McQuarrie died last year! Doesn’t that bum you out?  Dude, I still have the old Star Wars lithographs of his stuff that I bought when I was a kid. Check it out someone put it on-line (link). 

Anyhow, since Ralph has passed on we settled for this MSPaint rendition of what our touchdown at SXSW may look like.   In it, Captain Liska is using an AlmaronSK2 to locate the lost members of the band, Steve and Clinton, who appear to have disappeared into a mysterious puff of smoke. What could the source of this smoke be?  Could it be the fabled Mournebong?  If so, have their souls been trapped inside its impenetrable, cylindrical walls?  Have they reached that perfect state of being that allows their consciousness to tap into all of space and time through the one great singularity?   Will they use this higher consciousness to reach beyond their cylindrical prison for the betterment of the universe or simply use it to achieve greater glory in Alien Arena tournaments?  Tune-in two weeks from now and find out!

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