Diary 19 August – Puffy Ami Yumi, T’afia, and Tuesday Rehersal


So now it’s Puffy Ami Yumi in the car. Yea, it’s a relief as Orion finally got tired of listening to James Kochalka’s Monkey Vs Robot and I have to admit the Puffy Ami Yumi theme song is pretty frikkin kick-ass. Despite the weak bridge, it’d be a great song to cover. So now if you ever need anyone to quote you the lyrics of the “Teen Titans Theme”, I’m your guy.

Previously, we’d been listing to the Kochalka CD. Yes, I’ve been listening to Orion yell “Put Down the Gun Kurt Cobain/ Don’t blow out Your Brain”, “Keg Party/Keeeeeg party/ Keeeeeg Party? CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG!” for quite some time now. While I will grant Kochalka his brilliance, I have to admit that there are only so many months of hearing it 10 times a week minimum before it starts getting a bit tedious. The lyrics to Peanut butter and Jellyfish, though, still make me laugh: “her body is a loaf of bread/ and when you cut off her head/ there’s peanut butter and jelly inside/ you don’t even have to spread it” – brilliantly surreal.

Puffy, while pretty much poppy kid-geared music, at least has some charm. My niece is totally into all that Disney crap. Oh my god, Hillary Duff needs to go down! Disney should be sued for destroying the brains of girls who should be listening to Sleator-Kinney instead as a rock role model.

As for adults. WHAT THE FUCK IS WITH FRANZ FERDINAND AND THEIR NEW SONG? “Look at me. I’m frikkin Roxy Music!” It makes me want to line everyone in the band and give them a swift nut check. NO WONDER SONY HAD TO PAY RADIO STATIONS to get people to listen! I was suspicious of them last year and now they have totally earned my active contempt. Hell, even Thor does a better Roxy Music than these guys (no really he does!).


Rosa and I went out last night to Tapalia (Monica Pope’s restaurant) to meet some old friends of hers. Unfortunately, a one course meal took over two hours. Sorry, but if I’m paying $20 for an entree I expect a bit better service. Also, hey waiter, move my ass out so other people can tip you. Fool! Nevertheless, it was nice too see Brandon and Michael. The downside was Brandon’s buddy was a woman who was so tedious that I was dying anytime she spoke. A sample of her wit – “I love a good piece of Bass!” Oh stop you are killing me! No, you really are.


Lastly we actually had a good practice. I had this Hendrix styled riff and presented it to the band. Clinton said “Hey that would go great with this old riff that I never had a second part to.” It actually worked. While we still need a proper arrangement and maybe some more parts, it’s still a good primordial song. You can hear a low-fi version of what we worked on the other day at http://www.worshipguitars.org/LP4/secret_stash/oldcrow1point0.mp3. It needs a lot of work but it will be funny to see where the song goes.

Well, I’m off. Tomorrow I interview Thor. Please, pass me any questions you may have for the Rock God.


  1. Like, Holy Synchronicity, Robin! We were listening to college radio in the minivan with the kids (aged 9 and 7) last weekend when some station (WMBR at MIT?) played “Keg Party” and “Put down the gun”. Tonight, out of nowhere, our precious darlings start singing “Keg Party keg party CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG” again and again and again, like the punk teletubbies that they are, when suddenly, the nine year old adds “CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG Teen Titans!”

    I decide to look up just who sings Keg Party, and Google leads me to your blog, wherein I immediately find mention of Puffy Amiyumi and the TT theme — which does, of course, kick ass, Saturday morning-style.

  2. Ramon Medina - LP4

    Well I hope you figured out it’s James Kochalka Superstar. I highly recommend his Monkey Vs Robot CD and Comic Book.

    And Yes, Puffi does rock it Saturday morning style.