With just four weeks until the module release day, we bring you some deets.

An LP4 labs scientist working hard to for you.
LP4 laboratories – advancing Rock and Roll science for nearly two decades! *

We were just looking at our laboratory calendar here and just realized that we are in the last weeks before the completion of our latest experiment – the module for Assault on the Vault of the Ancient Bonglords.  Accordingly, we felt it would be nice to share some details with you, our patrons.

How’s the production schedule looking?  Well, the masters have been done for months so much of what remains is the packaging.  Here is what we are looking at over the next few weeks. 

Week One – Team Alpha led by Clinton and Team Zeta led by Stevie Sims will complete their respective text and illustration tasks.

Week Two –  Team Gamma led by Christian Best (aka The GFN) will complete the layout based on the work of Teams Alpha and Zeta.

Week Three – Teams Xi and Pi led by myself and Charlie respectively will print out the inserts and the cover based on Team Gamma’s work while team Upsilon headed by Steve will burn the CDs.

Week Four – Module Release date December 15 at Cactus Music

What will these cost?  We really don’t know yet as it depends on printing costs but we’re looking at somewhere in the $30 range.  It might be higher or lower but that should give you a general idea.

What about Mail Order copies?  The Ltd. 55 run is largely designed for sale at our shows but we will set aside 15 copies for mail order.  So, if you want to pre-order a copy just e-mail us and we will add you to our first-come, first-serve mail order list.  Again, because we aren’t sure of the final price, we won’t be taking any money at this time but will notify you when the moment comes. 

Just e-mail us at hellokitty2399 at gmail with the subject line “AVATL mail order.”  If you are one of the first 15 persons, we will notify you as soon as possible with further instructions. 

That is all, friends.


*Photo public domain by NASA/William A. Bowles