Category Archives: Albums
Psychedelic Battles Volume 3 available today! So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish.
Psychedelic Battles Volume Three – Available 10 July 2017

PSYCHEDELIC BATTLES: MISSION REPORT URGENT From: Viperfish Command Vessel – S. Finley, Linus Pauling Quartet Central Command To: Vincebus Eruptum Deep Sea Exploration HQ – Davide Pansolin for his eyes only RE: Psychedelic Battles Volume Three – final report Ref. No. 869492 03 July 2017 Davide, I am well aware that it…
Just one more rehearsal then we hit the studio!!!!
Awww Yiss! Come and celebrate with us today as Ampalanche rolls out in digital today!
Ampalanche is coming … to Digital! To celebrate, we play Cactus Music next week!
Upcoming Shows also the last copies of Assault from The Vault are out the door.
Ampalanche LP is available now!
Ampalanche arrives next Friday. This week we give you the story behind the album.
December News – Ampalanche release update, Novembeerfest wrap up, and Doomsgiving IV this Saturday

Strap yourselves in, folks. We’ve got a lot of catching-up to do what with Ampalanche, Novembeerfest, and this Saturday’s Doomsgiving IV Ampalanche Release News Well lovely news, the test pressings are done and Davide over at Vincebus Eruptum says they sound aces. There are some videos that Davide posted on…