Tag Archives: Assault on the Vault of the Ancient Bong Lords
Lovely little review of the new anthology by Ned Raggett
We just got this in yesterday – a review by the always amusing Ned Raggett in which he describes the anthology as… “…yet another in the now established tradition of Texas freaks. Songs about bug people, aliens, swords and sorcery, axes and hamburgers, pure dorkishness as excelsis, but the point is, it also…
Assault on the Vault of the Ancient Bonglords is officially out today!!!!
Behold, the new Druids and Demons Module and 3CD anthology is finally available today!!! You can download MP3s from all the usual suspects (I-Tunes, Amazon, E-Music, CD Baby, etc.) but if you want to order a glorious Limited Edition copy (LTD 100 copies), you’ll have to go to CD Baby. Regardless of your having bought…
Preview – Spinner Previews AVABL!!!!
Assault on the Vault Module Mail-Outs are on their way….
Happy 2013, Homeskool news, everything you need to know about Greatest Hits Module, and early show this Saturday
Happy 2013 everyone!!! Hope everyone is well and good. Homeskool News! First thing to announce is that it appears that Homeskool/Tooth is no more – at least not as a part of Lord Hightower’s kingdom. Our beloved overlord ran into some unexpected financial hardship, completely unrelated to the label, and…
The LP4 – now officially recognized for it’s work in Helping America’s Race to the bottom.
Download the theme song to the “Assault from the Vault…” module – out today on Soundcloud
We have a module release show today, a video update, and theme song premiere on the Obelisk… all on a horrible, horrible week.
20 School children and six adults murdered with them in an elementary school. Parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, friends, having to deal with the loss of their loved ones. It’s really awful, heart wrenching, and sad. When I give my son his Christmas presents next week, there will be parents in Connecticut…