7″ and Video Release countdown – (Part 1) In Which The Linus Pauling Quartet seeks the aid of Wo Fat

With a mere five weeks from the upcoming “C is for Cthulhu,” our trusty PR agent Nicolas Pan Paniscus has been hard at work churning out press releases.  Unfortunately, being a bonobo chimp, most of his press releases read like this: fdhjospfoj dpo joig099g v8uguog ougoungt uvnun 8089oji gj  g ioiooi…

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We have a module release show today, a video update, and theme song premiere on the Obelisk… all on a horrible, horrible week.

20 School children and six adults murdered with them in an elementary school.  Parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, friends, having to deal with the loss of their loved ones.  It’s really awful, heart wrenching, and sad.  When I give my son his Christmas presents next week, there will be parents in Connecticut…

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New Music Video Exclusively on Space City Rock!!!!

You are familiar with “Lawrence of Arabia” right? The sweeping locations, the majestic cinematography, David Lean’s grand direction, Peter O’Toole and Omar Sharif’s iconic roles? Well, this is nothing like that. No, this is our newest video – one we made by the over the course of a beer (and…

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Our New Video for Victory Gin Premiere’s Today on Impose Magazine!!!

Texas sized appreciation and thanks to the folks up in Brooklyn at Impose Magazine!  Thanks to them we have big news today!  Our new video for “Victory Gin” just premiered on their website.  They have a short interview with me and also have a few nice things to say about the video. Check it out for…

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