We’re always late with blog posts after a show and given the amount of junk happening around our last show, this one’s an especially late post. The show on the 12th was surrounded by just a hella lotta activity so let me just try to catch you up.
First up, let me give you the latest deets on the 7″. We have a date set as you know but Wo-Fat from Dallas is playing and those guys are the shit! We really love their music and the guys are a blast. If you’ve never seen them, you gotta come to the record release. The 7″ itself is in the plating stage. Aardvark sent us an acetate but it skipped at a few spots so they will be giving it another go. That’s pretty rare for us to see but hey, that’s why they send these before we got to press. So, a small delay but hopefully they will get it on the next pass. Meanwhile, the stop motion for the video is now complete. In between shows and moving, I was able to finish the last 500+ frames which means we only have live action to shoot then it’s all smooth sailing in the post-production seas.
Now as for the shows, I was exhausted but was able to make the ST37 show that kicked-off the week. Sorry, no good pics but they played a kick-ass set. I was pretty exhausted from filming and moving junk but ST’s set and Charlie laying down one insane solo during After Party’s set that tore through space and time made it all worth it. The next day was the Hearts of Animals show at Cactus and it was pretty swell too. It also made for a nice break from filming and moving. I would have to miss out on the Friday album release at Rudz but Charlie got some good pics (see below) and from all accounts it was no less than the usual awesomeness you’d expect from Mlee. Clinton and Steve definitely had a lot of fun playing with Mlee even though it meant a lot more rehearsals and shows for them that one week. There is exhaustion and then there is good, accomplished exhaustion. I think for them it was the latter. By the way, you can buy the album on her bandcamp ( http://heartsofanimals.bandcamp.com/ ). The whole week closed off with our show with PONG at Rudz and it was a blast. We had a great crowd, PONG was a hoot to play with, and we got to play an hour long set which we haven’t done in ages. You’d think it would be way too long to play an hour but it seemed to fly by. Our songs are usually longer so it’s easy for us to fill-up an hour I guess. Oh and we got to play Nausicaa behind us which was a good choice. I hadn’t seen that movie in ages and I forgot how visually stunning it is. Miyazaki is one of my animation heroes, so neat ya know. Anyhow, PONG closed off the night with the whole place dancing and lights and a whole lot of whoop-up so how better to close an insane week of hard but fulfilling work?
Next show is the KISS covers anthology album release show in September. We’ll keep you posted on that and how the video and 7″ progress. Until then, go out and listen to that HOA album, it’s really good.
Here are some pics by Charlie, Luis Black, Kyle Phillips, and me.